What are aquarium shrimp?

What are aquarium shrimp?

Aquarium shrimpOpens in a new tab. are a popular addition to many freshwater aquarium setups, providing both beauty and practical benefits to the underwater environment. With their vibrant colors and unique personalities, these tiny creatures have become a staple in the hobby of fishkeeping. In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about aquarium shrimpOpens in a new tab. and why they are an excellent choice for your aquarium setup.

Types of Aquarium Shrimp

There are several types of aquarium shrimpOpens in a new tab. available, each with its own unique characteristics and requirements. Some of the most popular types include:

  • Amano Shrimp: These large, freshwater shrimp are known for their ability to keep aquariums clean by eating algae and other debris. They are a hardy species and are often used to help maintain the health of a community aquarium.
  • Cherry Shrimp:Opens in a new tab. A small, brightly colored species, cherry shrimp are a popular choice for nano aquariums and add a pop of color to any setup. They are also known to breed readily, providing a source of food for other inhabitants.
  • Ghost Shrimp: These translucent shrimp are a favorite among aquarium enthusiasts, as they are not only easy to care for but also add an eerie touch to an aquarium setup.
  • Bamboo Shrimp: These fascinating shrimp use their specialized appendages to filter feed, making them a unique addition to any aquarium.

Benefits of Adding Shrimp to Your Aquarium

In addition to their aesthetic value, aquarium shrimp offer several benefits to the overall health of your aquarium. Here are a few of the most notable:

  • Algae Control: As mentioned previously, some species of shrimp such as Amano shrimp, are excellent at keeping aquariums clean by eating excess algae. This helps maintain the health of the environment and keeps the water clear.
  • Natural Filters: Many species of shrimp serve as natural filtersOpens in a new tab., eating waste and helping to maintain the balance of the aquarium’s ecosystem.
  • Breeding Opportunities: Some species of shrimp, such as cherry shrimp, breed readily in captivity. This not only adds to the biodiversity of your aquarium, but also provides a source of food for other inhabitants.
  • Adding Personality: With their unique personalities and behaviors, aquarium shrimp bring an extra dimension of life to your aquarium setup. From their feeding habits to their interactions with other species, they are sure to provide endless entertainment.

How to Care for Aquarium Shrimp

Caring for aquarium shrimp is relatively easy and requires only a few simple steps. Here’s what you need to know:Opens in a new tab.

  • Water Conditions: It is important to maintain stable water conditions in your aquarium, as even small changes can be harmful to shrimp. Make sure to test your water regularly and perform water changes as needed to keep the environment healthy.
  • Feeding: Shrimp are detrivores and will feed on a variety of foodsOpens in a new tab., including algae, plant matter, and commercial shrimp food. Be sure to provide a balanced diet for optimal health.
  • Compatibility: It is important to choose species of shrimp that are compatible with the other inhabitants of your aquarium. Some species may be aggressive towards other shrimp or small fishOpens in a new tab., so it’s essential to research the species you are considering before making a purchase.


Aquarium shrimp are an excellent addition to any freshwaterOpens in a new tab. aquarium setup. With their vibrant colors, unique personalities, and practical benefits, they are sure to bring both beauty and functionality to your underwater environment. Whether you are a seasoned fishkeeper or just starting out, incorporating shrimp into your setup is sure to be a rewarding experience.


Q: What are aquarium shrimp? A: Aquarium shrimp are small, freshwater crustaceans that are commonly kept as pets in aquariums.

Q: What are some common species of aquarium shrimp? A: Some common species of aquarium shrimp include Cherry shrimp, Amano shrimpOpens in a new tab., Ghost shrimp, Red Crystal shrimp, and Blue Tiger shrimp.

Q: What is the ideal water temperature for aquarium shrimp? A: The ideal water temperature for most species of aquarium shrimp is between 70-80°F (21-27°C).

Q: What do aquarium shrimp eatOpens in a new tab.? A: Aquarium shrimp are omnivores and typically eat a variety of foods, including algae, plant matter, and small organisms like insects and crustaceans. They can also be fed commercial shrimp pellets or flakes.

Q: Can aquarium shrimp live with other fish or animals in a tank? A: Some species of aquarium shrimp can live peacefully with other fish or animals in a tank, while others may be more vulnerable to predation or aggression. It is important to research the specific needs and compatibility of each species before adding them to a tank.

Q: Do aquarium shrimp need a filter or other equipment in their tank? A: Yes, aquarium shrimp typically require a filter and other equipment like a heater, air pump, and lighting to maintain good water quality and provide suitable living conditions.

Q: Can aquarium shrimp breed in captivity? A: Yes, many species of aquarium shrimp can breed in captivity and produceOpens in a new tab. offspring in a well-maintained aquarium with suitable water conditions and food.

Q: What are some common health issues or diseases that can affect aquarium shrimp? A: Some common health issues or diseases that can affect aquarium shrimp include bacterial infections, parasites, stress, and poor water quality. It is important to maintain good water quality, provide a balanced diet, and monitor the behavior and health of your shrimp to prevent and address any potential issues.

Berried Blue Dream Shrimp


Mark has been passionate about aquariums for over 40 years.

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  1. Pingback: How many shrimp in a 5-gallon Tank?

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