Do Shrimp Tanks Need Gravel?

Do Shrimp Tanks Need Gravel?

Aquariums with shrimp can be beautiful and calming to look at, but taking care of these creatures can be quite challenging. From the right water parameters to suitable substrate and plants, everything needs to be just perfect for the shrimps to thrive. But the question that often arises is whether you need gravel in a shrimp tankOpens in a new tab. or not. In this article, we’ll answer this question and cover all the important aspects of using gravel in a shrimp tank.

Shrimp tanksOpens in a new tab. are a fascinating addition to any home, but maintaining them can be a task. If you’re planning on setting up a shrimp tank, you might have heard about the debate surrounding the use of gravel in these tanks. In this article, we’ll dive deep and find out if shrimp tanks actually need gravel or not.


Aquariums can be a mesmerizing addition to your home. With the right setup, they can be a beautiful source of relaxation and peace. Shrimp tanks, in particular, are a favorite among hobbyists due to their bright and vibrant colors. However, taking care of these little creatures can be a challenge, especially if you’re new to the hobby. One of the most important aspects of keeping a shrimpOpens in a new tab. tank healthy is the substrate. But the question that often arises is whether you need gravel in a shrimp tankOpens in a new tab. or not.

The Benefits of Using Gravel in a Shrimp Tank

Gravel is a popular substrate choice for aquariums due to its numerous benefits. Let’s take a look at some of them:

  • Provides a natural look: Gravel can add a natural look to your shrimp tank, making it look more aesthetically pleasing.
  • Helps maintain water chemistry: Gravel can help maintain the pH levels of your tank by acting as a bufferOpens in a new tab..
  • Provides a base for plants: Gravel can provide a stable base for plants to grow and anchor, creating a more natural habitat for your shrimps.
  • Hides equipment

The Downside of Using Gravel in a Shrimp Tank

While gravel has many benefits, it also has some downsides that you need to be aware of. Let’s take a look at some of them:

  • Hard to clean: Gravel can be hard to clean and maintain, especially if you have a lot of debris and waste in the tank.
  • Traps debris: Gravel can trap debris and waste, leading to the buildup of harmful toxins in the tank which can lead to pH imbalances.
  • Can be sharp: Gravel can be sharp, which can cause injury to your shrimps and other aquatic creatures.

Alternatives to Gravel in a Shrimp Tank

If you’re looking for alternatives to gravel, there are many options available. Some popular alternatives include:


In conclusion, whether or not you need gravel in a shrimp tankOpens in a new tab. is a matter of personal preference. Gravel has its benefits, such as providing a natural look and helping maintain water chemistry, but it also has its downsides, such as being hard to clean and trapping debris. Alternatives, such as sand, eco-complete, and aquatic moss, are also great options for substrate in a shrimp tankOpens in a new tab..

Ultimately, the most important factor in choosing a substrate for your shrimp tank is the well-being of your shrimps. Make sure that the substrate you choose is safe for them and provides a suitable environment for them to thrive.

In conclusion, when it comes to whether or not you need gravel in a shrimp tankOpens in a new tab., it’s important to weigh the pros and cons and choose the option that’s best for your shrimps. With the right substrate and a healthy environment, your shrimp tank will be a beautiful and peaceful addition to your home.


Q: Do shrimp need gravel in their aquarium? A: Shrimp do not necessarily need gravel in their aquarium, but it can provide a natural environment and a substrate for beneficial bacteria.

Q: What are the benefits of using gravel in a shrimp aquarium? A: Gravel can provide a substrate for beneficial bacteria that help to break down waste and maintain water quality. It can also provide hiding places for shrimp and other aquarium inhabitants.

Q: What kind of gravel is best for a shrimp aquarium? A: The best kind of gravel for a shrimp aquarium is small, smooth gravel that is not sharp or rough. It is important to avoid gravel that is too large or has sharp edges, as this can harm shrimp and other aquarium inhabitants.

Q: How much gravel should I use in my shrimp aquarium? A: The amount of gravel to use in a shrimp aquarium depends on the size of the tankOpens in a new tab. and the preferences of the aquarist. As a general rule, a layer of 1-2 inches of gravel is sufficient.

Q: Can I use sand instead of gravel in my shrimp aquarium? A: Yes, sand can be used instead of gravel in a shrimp aquarium. It is important to choose a fine-grained sand that is not too sharp or rough.

Q: Do I need to clean the gravel in my shrimp aquarium? A: Yes, it is important to clean the gravel in a shrimp aquarium regularly to remove any debris or waste that may accumulate. This can be done during regular water changes by using a gravel vacuum.

Q: Can shrimp get trapped under the gravel in my aquarium? A: Shrimp can potentially get trapped under gravel if it is not properly secured or if it is too large or sharp. It is important to choose appropriate gravel and secure it properly to prevent this from happening.

Q: Can I use a bare-bottom tank for my shrimp? A: Yes, a bare-bottom tank can be used for shrimp, but it may not provide as natural of an environment as a tank with gravel or sand.


Mark has been passionate about aquariums for over 40 years.

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