How to Get Rid of Planaria and Hydra with No Planaria

Aquarium enthusiasts all over the world invest time, money, and effort to create a perfect underwater haven for their aquatic pets. However, the presence of unwanted pests can compromise the ecosystem, disrupt the balance, and put the health of your fish and other aquatic life at risk. One such nuisance is the planaria, a type of flatworm that can wreak havoc in your aquarium. Thankfully, there is a product that offers a safe, effective, and easy-to-use solution to this problem: No PlanariaOpens in a new tab..

In this blog post, we will take a deep dive into the world of No Planaria, exploring its benefits, application process, and how it can help you maintain a healthy and thriving aquarium ecosystem. So, let’s get started!

What are Planaria?

Planaria are flatworms that belong to the class Turbellaria, which consists of free-living, non-parasitic worms. They are often found in freshwater aquariums and can reproduce rapidly, leading to a significant infestation if left unchecked. Planaria can be harmful to your fish, shrimp, and other aquatic life, as they feed on uneaten food, detritus, and even eggs or small, vulnerable creatures.

The Problem with Planaria

Planaria can cause several problems in your aquariumOpens in a new tab., including:

  1. Stress to fish and other aquatic life: Planaria can attach themselves to fish and shrimp, causing stress and potential injury. This stress can weaken their immune systems, making them more susceptible to diseases.
  2. Reduced water quality: As planaria consume waste material and uneaten food, they produce waste of their own. This waste contributes to the degradation of water quality and can lead to a rise in ammonia and nitrite levels, which can be toxic to your fish.
  3. Competition for resources: Planaria are voracious eaters and can outcompete your fish for food, leading to malnourishment and poor health.
  4. Reproduction issues: Planaria can consume fish eggs, reducing the chances of successful breeding in your aquarium.

Planaria are not shrimp-safe you must remove them when you can.

No planaria for sale here on

Introducing Genchem No Planaria

No Planaria is a highly effective product that eliminates planaria and other nuisance worms from your aquariumOpens in a new tab. without harming your fish, plants, or beneficial bacteria. It is a natural, safe, and easy-to-use remedy that has gained popularity among aquarium enthusiasts who want a gentle yet potent solution for managing planaria infestations.

How Does No Planaria Work?

No Planaria contains a unique blend of natural ingredients, including betel nut extract, which is known for its powerful anthelmintic properties. The active compounds in No Planaria target the planaria’s nervous system, causing paralysis and eventual death. As a result, the planaria are unable to move, feed, or reproduce, effectively breaking their life cycle and eradicating them from your aquarium.

No Planaria is also effective against other nuisance worms, such as Hydra, which can pose a threat to fish fry, baby shrimp, and other small aquatic life. This makes No Planaria a versatile solution for maintaining a healthy, pest-free aquarium.

No Planaria
I keep my No Planaria In a tub

Using No Planaria in Your Aquarium

Before using No Planaria, there are some essential steps you should follow to ensure its effectiveness and the safety of your aquarium’s inhabitants:

  1. Remove activated carbon: Activated carbon can absorb No Planaria’s active ingredients, reducing its effectiveness. Therefore, it is crucial to remove any activated carbon from your aquarium’s filter before treatment.
  2. Perform a water change: Conducting a water change of at least 25% before treatment can help improve water quality and ensure the product’s effectiveness.
  3. Turn off UV sterilizers: UV sterilizers can also reduce No Planaria’s effectiveness, so make sure to turn them off during the treatment period.
  1. Monitor water parameters: Keep an eye on the ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels in your aquarium during treatment to ensure the health of your aquatic life.

Once you have completed these steps, you can begin the No Planaria treatment process:

  1. Dosage: Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to determine the correct dosage for your aquarium’s size. Typically, 1 scoop (included in the package) is sufficient for 10-20 gallons of water. If your aquarium is larger, adjust the dosage accordingly.
  2. Application: Spread the No Planaria powder evenly across the surface of the water. It will dissolve and disperse throughout the aquarium, targeting the planaria and other nuisance worms.
  3. Duration: The recommended treatment duration is 3 days. During this time, you should avoid feeding your fish Your fish can usually tolerate this fasting period without any issues.
  4. Observation: Keep an eye on your aquarium’s inhabitants during the treatment process. You should start to see planaria and other nuisance worms dying off within the first 24-48 hours.
  5. Post-treatment: After the 3-day treatment, perform a 25% water change to remove any dead planariaOpens in a new tab. and other waste from the aquarium. Replace the activated carbon in your filter and turn your UV sterilizer back on.
  6. Maintenance: To prevent future planaria infestations, maintain good water quality by conducting regular water changes, monitoring water parameters, and avoiding overfeeding your fishor shrimp. This will help create an environment that is less conducive to planaria and other pests.

Benefits of No Planaria

  1. Safe and natural: No Planaria’s natural formulation ensures that it is safe for your fish, shrimp, plants, and beneficial bacteria, making it an ideal solution for delicate and sensitive aquarium ecosystems.
  2. Effective: No Planaria is proven to eliminate planaria and other nuisance worms, such as Hydra, from your aquarium, helping you maintain a healthy, pest-free environment.
  3. Easy to use: The simple application process and clear instructions make No Planaria a user-friendly product suitable for both experienced and novice aquarium keepers.
  4. Versatile: No Planaria can be used in both freshwater and marine aquariums, making it a flexible solution for a wide range of aquatic environments.

Shrimp Food Management: Prevent Planaria Infestations

Proper shrimp food management is essential for maintaining a healthy shrimp populationOpens in a new tab. in your aquarium and preventing planaria infestations. Overfeeding can contribute to water pollution and create a conducive environment for planaria to thrive. By using appropriate feeding techniques, such as portion control and a feeding dish, you can minimize the risk of planaria and other pests.

  1. Avoid overfeeding: Shrimp have relatively small appetites, so it’s important to provide them with the right amount of food. Overfeeding can lead to uneaten food decomposing in the aquarium, which not only pollutes the water but also attracts planaria. Feed your shrimp only what they can consume within 2-3 hours, and remove any uneaten food promptly.
  2. Use a feeding dish: A feeding dish is a simple yet effective tool for managing shrimp food and preventing planaria. By placing the shrimp food in a dish, you can contain the food in a specific area, making it easier to monitor consumption and remove any leftovers. This not only helps maintain water quality but also reduces the food sources for planaria, making it more difficult for them to survive and reproduce.
  3. Monitor water quality: Regularly testing your aquarium water for ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels is crucial for maintaining a healthy environment for your shrimp. High levels of these compounds can indicate overfeeding or inadequate filtration, which can lead to planaria infestations. Adjust your feeding routine accordingly and consider improving your filtration system if necessary.

By adopting proper shrimp food management techniques, you can prevent planaria infestations and create a thriving, healthy environment for your shrimp and other aquarium inhabitants.

Alternative Products for Planaria Control

While No Planaria is an effective and safe solution for eliminating planaria, there are other products available that can also help control these pests in your aquarium. Here is a brief overview of some alternative planaria control options:

  1. Fenbendazole: Fenbendazole, commonly found in canine dewormer medications, can be used to treat planaria infestations in aquariumsOpens in a new tab.. However, it’s essential to research and follow the appropriate dosage guidelines to avoid harming your aquatic life.
  2. Flubendazole: Flubendazole is another dewormer that can be effective against planaria. This medication is generally considered shrimp and fish-safe when used correctly, but it may harm some snail species. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions and dose carefully.
  3. Panacur C (Praziquantel): Panacur C is a dewormer containing the active ingredient praziquantel, which can be effective against planaria. However, it’s crucial to use the correct dosage to ensure the safety of your aquarium’s inhabitants. Research and follow the appropriate dosing guidelines based on your tank size and species.
  4. Aquarium salt: In some cases, increasing the salinity of your aquarium water can help to deter planaria, as they are less tolerant of higher salt concentrations. However, this method may not be suitable for all aquariums, especially those containing sensitive fish and plantsOpens in a new tab.. Consult with an aquarium professional before attempting this treatment.

When considering alternative products for planaria control, it’s essential to research each product carefully and follow the recommended dosing guidelines. Always monitor your aquarium’s inhabitants during treatment to ensure their safety and well-being.


While No Planaria is generally safe for fish, shrimp, and plants, it’s important to note that it can be harmful or even lethal to snails, including apple snails and mystery snails. If you have snails in your aquarium that you wish to protect, please take extra precautions or consider alternative methods for planaria control.

Using Alum Dip as a Preventative Measure

To prevent planaria and other pests from hitchhiking on new aquarium plants, an alum dip is an effective and popular method among aquariumOpens in a new tab. enthusiasts. This treatment kills potential pests without harming the plants, ensuring a safe introduction to your aquarium.

Here’s how to perform an alum dip:

  1. Prepare the solution: Mix 1-2 tablespoons of aluminum sulfate (alum) per gallon of water in a container large enough to hold the plants. Ensure the alum is fully dissolved in the water.
  2. Inspect the plants: Before dipping, examine the plants carefully and remove any visible debris, snails, or pests.
  3. Soak the plants: Immerse the plants in the alum solution for at least 2-3 hours. Delicate plants may require a shorter soak time to avoid damage. Be sure to monitor the plants during the soak to ensure they are not adversely affected by the alum.
  4. Rinse thoroughly: After soaking, remove the plants from the alum solution and rinse them thoroughly under clean, running water to wash away any residual alum.
  5. Plant in your aquarium: Once rinsed, the plants are ready to be introduced to your aquarium, free of planaria and other potential pests.

If you’re interested, I wrote a bigger version of how to use alum dip here Opens in a new tab.


No Planaria is an essential tool for aquarium enthusiasts looking to maintain a healthy, thriving ecosystem free from planaria and other nuisance worms. Its natural, safe, and effective formula ensures that your aquatic life remains protected while eradicating pests that can cause stress, disease, and imbalance. By incorporating No Planaria into your aquarium maintenance routine, you can enjoy a beautiful, pest-free environment that supports the well-being of your fish, shrimp, and other aquatic life.

If I haven’t mentioned it yet No Planaria is also a hydra killer learn more here.Opens in a new tab.

FAQ Section on No Planaria

  1. Q: What is No Planaria? A: No Planaria is a natural, safe, and effective product designed to eliminate planaria and other nuisance worms from your aquarium without harming your fish, plants, or beneficial bacteria.
  2. Q: How does No Planaria work? A: No Planaria contains a unique blend of natural ingredients, including betel nut extract, which targets the planaria’s nervous system, causing paralysis and eventual death. This effectively breaks their life cycle and eradicates them from your aquarium.
  3. Q: Is No Planaria safe for my fish and plants? A: Yes, No Planaria is safe for your fish, shrimp, plants, and beneficial bacteria. It is specifically formulated to target planaria and other nuisance worms without harming your aquarium’s inhabitants.
  4. Q: Can No Planaria be used in both freshwater and saltwater aquariums? A: Yes, No Planaria is suitable for use in both freshwater and marine aquariums.
  5. Q: How long does the No Planaria treatment take? A: The recommended treatment duration for No Planaria is 3 days. After the treatment, you should perform a 25-50% water change to remove dead planaria and other waste from the aquarium.
  6. Q: Do I need to remove activated carbon and turn off my UV sterilizer before using No Planaria? A: Yes, you should remove any activated carbon from your filter and turn off your UV sterilizer before treatment, as these can reduce the effectiveness of No Planaria.
  7. Q: How can I prevent future planaria infestations? A: To prevent future infestations, maintain good water quality by conducting regular water changes, monitoring water parameters, and avoiding overfeeding your fish.


Mark has been passionate about aquariums for over 40 years.

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