Yes, Cherry Shrimp can drop their eggs, and it's a common concern among shrimp keepers. Various factors can lead to this behavior, including stress, poor water conditions, or the shrimp's...
Category: Shrimp
Hello there, fellow shrimp enthusiasts! I'm here to share my personal journey with a fascinating substance that has transformed my shrimp keeping experience - Bentonite/Montmorillonite clay. This...
Alder cones are added to shrimp tanks for their numerous benefits. They contain tannins and humins, which are antibacterial, antifungal, and promote the growth of beneficial biofilm. This biofilm...
Aquarium enthusiasts often overlook the charm and utility of freshwater aquarium shrimp. These tiny critters add a unique aesthetic to your tank and contribute significantly to its maintenance....
Clown loaches are omnivorous and have a reputation for being opportunistic feeders. While they primarily feed on small invertebrates, plant matter, and detritus, they may eat small shrimp if given...
Yes, you can mix Neocaridina shrimp, like Cherry Red and Bloody Mary, in the same tank. They might interbreed, leading to a mix of colorations in the offspring. This might not be an issue unless...