A brief history of crystal red shrimp

Learn about the fascinating story of Crystal Red Shrimp, from its origins as a Caridina species in Southeast Asia to its development into a stunning red and white variety through selective breeding by Mr. Hisayasu Suzuki.”

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Crystal Red Shrimp are a beautiful and popular freshwater dwarf bee shrimp species that have captured the hearts of aquarists all around the world. They are a morph of Crystal Black Shrimp and are known for their distinctive red and white coloration. But what is the history behind these fascinating creatures? In this post, we’ll explore the origins, development, and selective breeding of Crystal Red Shrimp and how they became one of the most sought-after species in the hobby today.

The Crystal Red Shrimp is a Caridina species that originated in Southeast Asia in the early 90s. They are a close relative of the Crystal Black Shrimp and share a similar habitat and biology. The initial development of Crystal Red Shrimp as a distinct variety was the result of selective breeding by a Japanese aquarist named Mr. Hisayasu Suzuki. Mr. Suzuki was a pioneer in the field of shrimp breeding and is widely regarded as the “Father of Crystal Red Shrimp.”

Mr. Suzuki’s selective breeding program aimed to develop a red and white variety of Crystal Black Shrimp that would have a distinct and attractive appearance. Over time, he was able to achieve this goal by carefully selecting and breeding individuals with desirable traits. Through this process, he was able to create the first Crystal Red Shrimp and bring them to market.

The popularity of Crystal Red Shrimp grew quickly, and they soon became one of the most sought-after species in the hobby. They are highly prized for their stunning coloration and peaceful nature, making them an ideal addition to any planted aquarium. They are also hardy and adaptable, making them a good choice for both beginner and experienced aquarists alike.

In addition to their appearance and personality, Crystal Red Shrimp are also known for their unique biology. They have a high rate of molting and are capable of rapid growth, which makes them ideal for selective breeding programs. They also have a high level of adaptability and are able to thrive in a wide range of water conditions, making them a versatile species that can be kept in a variety of aquariums.

Despite their popularity, the breeding and maintenance of Crystal Red Shrimp can be challenging, as they are highly sensitive to changes in water chemistry and temperature. To ensure their health and longevity, it’s important to maintain stable water conditions and provide them with a balanced diet.

In conclusion, the history of Crystal Red Shrimp is a fascinating story of the development of a new species through selective breeding. From their humble beginnings as a Caridina species in Southeast Asia to their status as one of the most sought-after species in the hobby, Crystal Red Shrimp are a testament to the power of selective breeding and the dedication of breeders like Mr. Hisayasu Suzuki. Whether you’re a seasoned aquarist or a beginner just starting out, these beautiful creatures are sure to capture your heart and add a touch of color and beauty to your aquarium.


Q: What are Crystal Red Shrimp? A: Crystal Red Shrimp are a species of freshwater shrimp native to Japan, also known as Caridina cf. cantonensis. They are a popular aquarium shrimp due to their striking red and white coloration.

Q: What do Crystal Red Shrimp eat? A: Crystal Red Shrimp are omnivorous and will eat a variety of foods including algae, biofilm, vegetables such as zucchini and spinach, and high-quality shrimp pellets or flakes.

Q: What water parameters do Crystal Red Shrimp need? A: Crystal Red Shrimp require a specific set of water parameters to thrive, including a pH between 6.0 and 6.8, a temperature between 68°F and 78°F, and a TDS (total dissolved solids) of 120-180 ppm.

Q: Do Crystal Red Shrimp require special care? A: Crystal Red Shrimp require careful attention to water parameters, and they can be sensitive to changes in water quality. They also require a well-established aquarium with plenty of hiding places and adequate food sources.

Q: Can Crystal Red Shrimp breed in captivity? A: Yes, Crystal Red Shrimp can breed in captivity. However, they require specific breeding conditions, including a temperature between 75°F and 80°F, a pH of 6.0-6.8, and a TDS of 150-200 ppm.

Q: How long do Crystal Red Shrimp live? A: Crystal Red Shrimp can live up to 2-3 years in captivity with proper care.

Q: Can Crystal Red Shrimp be kept with other shrimp or fish? A: Crystal Red Shrimp can be kept with other shrimp species that have similar water parameter requirements, but they should not be kept with fish or other animals that may harm or prey on them.

Q: How do I acclimate Crystal Red Shrimp to my aquarium? A: To acclimate Crystal Red Shrimp, float the bag containing the shrimp in your aquarium for 20-30 minutes to allow the water temperature to equalize. Then, open the bag and gradually add small amounts of your aquarium water to the bag over the course of 30 minutes. After acclimation, carefully release the shrimp into the aquarium.

How to Set Up a Crystal Red Shrimp Breeding Tank


Mark has been passionate about aquariums for over 40 years.

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