Söchting Oxydator H2O2

Maintaining a healthy aquatic environment is vital for the well-being of fish, plants, and other aquatic life. One important factor in achieving this is maintaining clean and oxygenated water. The Söchting Oxydator is a small device that is designed to help achieve this by dosing minute amounts of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) into the water column. In this article, we will explore the Söchting Oxydator in detail, including its history, how it works, and the benefits of using it in aquariums.

Explanation of the Söchting Oxydator

The Söchting Oxydator is a device that produces oxygen in the aquarium water by using a chemical reaction to break down hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) into water (H2O) and oxygen (O2).

The device consists of a glass tube containing a solution of H2O2 and a catalyst, which is usually made of ceramic . When the catalyst comes in contact with the H2O2 solution, it causes a chemical reaction that produces oxygen, which is then released into the water.

What is a Söchting Oxydator?

Brief history of the device

Dr. Günter Söchting invented the Söchting Oxydator in the 1980s. Dr. Söchting was a German chemist and biologist who was interested in finding a way to improve the water quality in aquariums without using chemicals or electricity.

He developed the Oxydator as a way to improve the oxygenation and purification of the water in aquariums, which he believed would lead to healthier and more vibrant aquatic life.

Importance of maintaining clean and oxygenated water in aquariums

Maintaining clean and oxygenated water is crucial for the health and well-being of fish, plants, and other aquatic life in aquariums. Proper oxygenation helps to ensure that the fish and other organisms have the oxygen they need to breathe, while clean water helps to prevent the buildup of harmful chemicals and bacteria that can cause disease and other problems. By using a Söchting Oxydator, aquarium owners can help to ensure that their aquatic environment remains clean, healthy, and thriving.

Söchting Oxydator
Söchting Oxydator Oxygen

How the Söchting Oxydator works

The Söchting Oxydator consists of a glass tube, a ceramic catalyst, and a solution of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). The glass tube is usually placed in the aquarium water.

When the H2O2 solution comes into contact with the catalyst, it begins to break down, releasing oxygen into the water.

The science behind the oxygenation and purification process

The Söchting Oxydator works by using a chemical reaction to break down hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen. Hydrogen peroxide is a highly reactive chemical that naturally breaks down into water and oxygen over time. However, the process can be accelerated by adding a catalyst, which speeds up the reaction.

When the H2O2 solution comes into contact with the catalyst in the Söchting Oxydator, it begins to break down rapidly, releasing oxygen into the water. The oxygen helps to improve the water quality by increasing the oxygen levels in the water, which is essential for the health and well-being of fish and other aquatic life.

In addition to oxygenation, the Söchting Oxydator also helps to purify the water by breaking down harmful chemicals and bacteria. Hydrogen peroxide is a powerful oxidizing agent that can help to break down organic matter and other impurities in the water, reducing the risk of disease and other problems.

Comparison to other water filtration methods

The Söchting Oxydator is just one of many methods available for oxygenating and purifying aquarium water. Other methods include air pumps, power filters, and protein skimmers. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, and the best choice will depend on the specific needs of the aquarium.

Compared to other methods, the Söchting Oxydator is a simple and cost-effective way to improve the water quality in aquariums. It requires no electricity, and the only maintenance required is to replace the H2O2 solution and catalyst periodically. However, it may not be suitable for large aquariums or for aquariums with high oxygen demands.

Söchting Oxydator out of the water ready to be refilled.
Söchting Oxydator out of the water ready to be refilled.

Benefits of using a Söchting Oxydator

One of the primary benefits of using a Söchting Oxydator is that it can help to improve the overall water quality in aquariums. By increasing the oxygen levels and breaking down impurities, the water will become clearer and cleaner, creating a more vibrant and healthy environment for fish, plants, and other aquatic life.

Another benefit of using a Söchting Oxydator is that it can help to enhance the health of fish and plants in the aquarium. Fish require a steady supply of oxygen to breathe, and the increased oxygen levels provided by the Oxydator can help to reduce stress and promote overall health. Similarly, plants require oxygen to photosynthesize and grow, and the increased oxygen levels can help to promote healthy growth and development.

The Söchting Oxydator also helps to reduce the levels of harmful chemicals and bacteria in the aquarium water. Hydrogen peroxide is a powerful oxidizing agent that can break down organic matter and other impurities in the water, reducing the risk of disease and other problems. By reducing the levels of harmful chemicals and bacteria, the aquarium environment becomes safer and healthier for fish and other aquatic life.

The Söchting Oxydator is a cost-effective and easy-to-use method for improving water quality in aquariums. The device requires no electricity and has few moving parts, making it simple to set up and maintain. The only ongoing cost is the replacement of the H2O2 solution and catalyst, which is typically required every few weeks or months, depending on the size of the aquarium.

Overall, the Söchting Oxydator is a highly effective and reliable way to improve the water quality in aquariums. By increasing oxygen levels, reducing harmful chemicals and bacteria, and promoting the health of fish and plants, it can help to create a vibrant and thriving aquatic environment.

Söchting Oxydator removed from its ceramic bass
Söchting Oxydator removed from its ceramic base

Types of aquariums that would benefit from a Söchting Oxydator

Both freshwater and saltwater aquariums can benefit from the use of a Söchting Oxydator. The device is effective at improving water quality and oxygenation in both types of aquariums. However, the specific dosages and maintenance requirements may vary depending on the type of aquarium and the specific needs of the fish and other aquatic life.

Söchting Oxydators are suitable for both small and large aquariums. In small aquariums, the device can help to maintain healthy oxygen levels and keep the water clear and clean. In larger aquariums, multiple Oxydators may be required to achieve the desired level of oxygenation and purification. However, the cost-effectiveness and ease of use of the device make it a viable option for aquariums of all sizes.

Both planted and non-planted aquariums can benefit from the use of a Söchting Oxydator. In planted aquariums, the increased oxygen levels can help to promote healthy plant growth and development. In non-planted aquariums, the device can help to maintain healthy oxygen levels and reduce the risk of harmful bacteria and other impurities.

When selecting a Söchting Oxydator for your aquarium, it is important to choose the appropriate size based on the size of your aquarium and the specific oxygen demands of your fish and other aquatic life.

Söchting Oxydators are available in different sizes, ranging from small to large, to accommodate different tank sizes and oxygen demands. The larger the aquarium and the greater the number of fish and other aquatic life in the tank, the greater the oxygen demand will be.

In general, a small aquarium may require one or two small or medium-sized Söchting Oxydators, while larger aquariums may require multiple large-sized Oxydators to achieve the desired level of oxygenation and purification.

When selecting a Söchting Oxydator, it is important to carefully review the product specifications and choose the appropriate size for your specific aquarium setup. This will help to ensure that the device is effective at improving the water quality and oxygenation in your aquarium, promoting the health and well-being of your fish and other aquatic life.

Söchting Oxydator plastic cap has two holes to allow H2O2 to be forced out
Söchting Oxydator plastic cap has two holes to allow H2O2 to be forced out

Step-by-step instructions for setting up the device

  1. Remove the Söchting Oxydator from its packaging and gather the necessary components, including the glass tube, catalyst, and H2O2 solution.
  2. Fill the glass tube with the H2O2 solution, taking care not to overfill it.
  3. Insert the catalyst into the glass tube replace the plastic cap and insert it into the ceramic base.
  4. Place the glass tube in the aquarium water, ensuring that the device is submerged to the appropriate depth.
  5. Allow the device to activate and begin producing oxygen. It may take a few hours for the oxygen production to become noticeable.

The recommended dosage and frequency of use of the Söchting Oxydator will depend on the size of the aquarium and the specific needs of the fish and other aquatic life. In general, a small aquarium may require one or two Söchting Oxydators, while larger aquariums may require several. The device should be replaced with a fresh H2O2 solution and catalyst every 4-6 weeks, or as needed.

If you use reverse osmosis water in your aquarium, a helpful tip is to buy 12% hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and dilute it to 6%. This can be a cost-effective solution since 12% H2O2 is often available at a lower cost than 6%. However, it’s important to use caution when handling 12% H2O2, as it can burn your skin. Be sure to dilute it carefully and wear appropriate protective gear when handling it. By diluting 12% H2O2, you can stretch your supply and save money while still enjoying the benefits of the Söchting Oxydator.

Refilling with 6% H202
Refilling with 6% H202


The Söchting Oxydator is a highly effective and reliable way to improve the water quality and oxygenation in aquariums. By increasing oxygen levels, reducing harmful chemicals and bacteria, and promoting the health of fish and plants, it can help to create a vibrant and thriving aquatic environment. The device is cost-effective and easy to use, making it a valuable addition to any aquarium setup.

Söchting Oxydator is a highly recommended tool for maintaining healthy and thriving aquatic environments in aquariums. While there are other methods available for oxygenating and purifying water, the Söchting Oxydator offers a cost-effective and easy-to-use solution that can benefit aquariums of all types and sizes. As with any aquarium setup, it is important to carefully monitor water quality and make adjustments as needed to ensure the health and well-being of fish and other aquatic life. By using a Söchting Oxydator in combination with other water filtration and maintenance methods, aquarium enthusiasts can create a beautiful and healthy aquatic environment that is both enjoyable and sustainable.

If you are looking to buy a Söchting Oxydator you can buy one here.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is the Söchting Oxydator safe for fish and other aquatic life? A: Yes, the Söchting Oxydator is safe for fish and other aquatic life when used as directed. The device helps to improve the water quality and oxygenation in the aquarium, promoting the health and well-being of fish, plants, and other aquatic life.

Q: How often should I replace the H2O2 solution and catalyst in the Söchting Oxydator? A: The H202 solution will last several week while the catalyst never needs to be replaced unless you lose it.

Q: Can the Söchting Oxydator be used in saltwater aquariums? A: Yes, the Söchting Oxydator can be used in both freshwater and saltwater aquariums.

Q: Will the Söchting Oxydator increase the pH level in my aquarium? A: No, the Söchting Oxydator will not increase the pH level in the aquarium.

Q: How many Söchting Oxydators do I need for my aquarium? A: The number of Söchting Oxydators needed will depend on the size of the aquarium and the specific oxygen demands of the fish and other aquatic life. In general, a small aquarium may require one or two Söchting Oxydators, while larger aquariums may require several. It is important to carefully review the product specifications and choose the appropriate size for your specific aquarium setup.


Mark has been passionate about aquariums for over 40 years.

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