If your cherry shrimps keep dying, it could be due to a variety of factors such as inappropriate tank parameters, lack of acclimatization, inadequate diet, or presence of harmful substances like...
Category: Shrimp Types
Yes, Amano and Cherry Shrimp can indeed coexist in the same tank. The only caveat is that Amano Shrimp are slightly more aggressive during feeding time, so ensuring that there is ample food for both...
Cherry shrimp breeding rates vary depending on factors like water conditions, tank mates, and the shrimp's overall health. On average, if you start with around 20 cherry shrimps of breeding age in a...
When I first started keeping shrimp in my aquarium, I was overwhelmed with the amount of information out there and, more often than not, found myself grappling with common issues like bacterial...
You can keep red cherry shrimp with ghost shrimp in the same aquarium. However, it's vital to ensure that the tank conditions suit both species. They both require clean water with a stable...
Original Post By Kerric Peyton, December 2021 You can find him on Facebook here. Boa for sale! Look at my BOA! But is it REALLY, though? Who says? Why do they think that? Spoiler alert,it depends...