Otocinclus Catfish are Not 100% Shrimp Safe. Hey, shrimpfam! I've been breeding shrimp and Otos together for over 15 years and keeping aquariums for 40+ years and let me tell you, the waters are...
Category: Shrimp And Fish
Shrimp, in general, do not eat healthy fish eggs. They are more inclined to consume decaying organic matter, which can include fish eggs that are already unhealthy or dying. The notion that shrimp...
Clown loaches are omnivorous and have a reputation for being opportunistic feeders. While they primarily feed on small invertebrates, plant matter, and detritus, they may eat small shrimp if given...
Can Shrimp and Bristlenose Plecos Share a Tank? The answer is a resounding yes. Both shrimp and bristlenose plecos can happily coexist in a well-maintained tank. They're both peaceful creatures...
Are you wondering what are some shrimp safe fish? As an aquarist, I've often faced the challenge of finding the perfect tank mates for my shrimps. While it's true that no fish is completely shrimp...