Yes, you can mix Neocaridina shrimp, like Cherry Red and Bloody Mary, in the same tank. They might interbreed, leading to a mix of colorations in the offspring. This might not be an issue unless...
Category: Shrimp
A Mischling shrimp is a hybrid shrimp, a crossbreed between Crystal Red Shrimp (CRS) and Taiwan Bee Shrimp, which are both popular in the shrimp keeping hobby. Mischlings can produce a variety of...
The term F1 in shrimp keeping refers to the first generation of offspring resulting from a genetic cross between parent shrimp, derived from the Latin term "filial" which is used to describe sons and...
Yes, you can feed zucchini to your shrimp. It's a nutritious and delicious treat that they'll love. However, it's best to blanch the zucchini first to soften it. Some shrimp keepers even suggest...
Can Shrimp and Bristlenose Plecos Share a Tank? The answer is a resounding yes. Both shrimp and bristlenose plecos can happily coexist in a well-maintained tank. They're both peaceful creatures...
Fluval Shrimp Stratum can effectively lower pH and initially promises a healthy environment for shrimps. However, the lack of sustained nutrients leads to subpar plant growth and a stagnant tank...