When I first started keeping shrimp in my aquarium, I was overwhelmed with the amount of information out there and, more often than not, found myself grappling with common issues like bacterial...
Category: Shrimp
You can keep red cherry shrimp with ghost shrimp in the same aquarium. However, it's vital to ensure that the tank conditions suit both species. They both require clean water with a stable...
The Best Calcium-Rich Green Leaves to Feed Shrimp and Snails
Having spent considerable time caring for shrimp and snails, I've seen firsthand how essential calcium is for their health. Commercial feeds do a decent job, but I've found that supplementing with...
Shrimp-safe rocks include slate, dragon stone, lava rock, and quartz. Avoid limestone, dolomite, and metal ore rocks. Coral can be safe depending on the tank type. Choose wisely! The Role of Rocks...
I frequently get asked questions about how to set up a caridina shrimp tank. There are so many ways to do it. The biggest things I see variation in are soil types and product usage. At the moment I...
Original Post By Kerric Peyton, December 2021 You can find him on Facebook here. Boa for sale! Look at my BOA! But is it REALLY, though? Who says? Why do they think that? Spoiler alert,it depends...