I love these snails, In the early days of my shrimp keeping journey, I'd often find myself marveling at their peaceful existence and wondering, "Just how do these captivating creatures reproduce?"...
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Top 3 Mistakes New Shrimp Keepers Make and How to Avoid Them
So, you're considering getting into shrimp keeping, but you've heard it can be tricky. Or maybe you've already taken the plunge, bought some shrimp, and now they're not doing so well in your new...
Imagine this: You're a dedicated shrimp keeper, and you've been nurturing a vibrant community of neocaridina and caridina shrimp. You're also a fan of the colorful Bolivian Rams, thinking, "Wouldn't...
What is the difference between Painted Fire Red shrimp and Bloody Mary shrimp?
So have you ever found yourself gazing at your aquarium, admiring the vibrant colors of your shrimp, and wondered about the subtle differences between the Bloody Mary and Painted Fire Red varieties?...
Ever noticed that some of your shrimps seem to die off after molting? You might have observed this peculiar phenomenon in your tank, where the deceased shrimps appear to be newly molted, with no...
So you are here wondering if you can keep a particular type of fish with shrimp? Perhaps a goby, with its sleek body and curious eyes, has caught your attention at the local pet store. But can these...